Open Badges

EduMake uses Open Badges:

Open Badges Open Badges is a new online standard to recognize and verify learning

  • Free and open

    Mozilla Open Badges is not proprietary. It’s free software and an open technical standard any organization can use to create, issue and verify digital badges.

  • Take your badges everywhere

    Collect badges from multiple sources, online and off, into a single backpack. Then display your skills and achievements on social networking profiles, job sites, websites and more.

  • Knit your skills together

    Whether they’re issued by one organization or many, badges can build upon each other and be stacked to tell the full story of your skills and achievements.

  • Full of information

    Open Badges are information-rich. Each badge has important data built in that links back to the issuer, criteria and verifying evidence.

To earn We Issue Open Badgeslearn more and earn your first badge try .

EduMake issue OpenBadges to those who complete learning during our workshops.